What is permanent makeup? Permanent makeup is a form of semi-permanent tattooing  involving the application of pigments to the skin, allowing for enhanced facial features and a more natural-looking makeup look.

You may also be asking, “How long does permanent makeup for eyebrows last?” Also, “Why is it important to know the longevity of permanent makeup treatments?”

Also, is it worth the investment? The answers to these questions can help you make an informed decision. Let’s discover whether permanent makeup is the right option for you. 


Permanent  makeup is designed to be long-lasting and fade gradually over time. Depending on your lifestyle, skin type, and the skill of your technician, it can last anywhere from one to four years.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you won’t need touch-ups or occasional maintenance. After all, it is still makeup, and the color will eventually fade. 

For a consistent look, book a top-up or refresher appointment after about nine months to a year. This will help maintain the vibrancy and natural look of your makeup. 


How long do permanent eyebrows last? Permanent eyebrow makeup,  microblading, powder brow, nano brow, ombre brow lasts from one to three years. Its longevity largely depends on your skin type. People with oily skin may need to get their eyebrow makeup touched up more often than those with dry skin. 

The quality of the permanent makeup will also affect how long it lasts. Make sure your artist is experienced and uses high-quality products. 


Also known as lip blushing, its results can also last between one and three years. The length of time it lasts is dependent on a range of factors. This includes the amount applied, the type of color used, and how your body metabolizes pigment. 

The good news is that lip blushing is semi-permanent in nature. So, you can always opt to have it refreshed should you choose to. 


Permanent eyeliner is designed to last for up to three or five years, depending on how well you care for it. However, it’s recommended that you get a touch-up every two years. This way, your eyeliner will look fresh and vibrant for the duration of its life. 


Although it’s called permanent makeup, it’s actually semi-permanent. As such, fading and color changes are expected to occur over time. It’s important to note that the fading or color changes of permanent makeup happen naturally. 

Causes of fading

These are potential causes of fading: 

Natural fading due to aging and skin renewal

The pigments used in permanent makeup will eventually fade as your skin naturally ages and renews itself. This process can take anywhere from a few months to a few years. It depends on the particular treatment you had done. Your skin care regimen and maintenance after the procedure also affect its longevity.

Exposure to sun and UV light

Permanent makeup can fade over time due to exposure to the sun and UV light. This is especially true for lighter colors like pink, yellow, or white. They are more easily affected by the sun’s rays. 

To prevent fading, it’s important to apply sunscreen on a daily basis when outside. Make sure to wear protective clothing as well, such as hats or sunglasses, when possible. 

Use of certain skincare products or treatments

The type of skin care products or treatments you use on your face is a key factor in longevity. Many lotions, creams, and oils contain ingredients that are known to accelerate pigment breakdown. This includes alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids, and retinol. 

Additionally, chemical peels and laser treatments can also cause fading in permanent makeup. For this reason, it’s important to avoid using any harsh chemicals or exfoliants on your face. These could affect the longevity of your permanent makeup. 

Poor aftercare or maintenance

Another main cause of fading is poor aftercare or maintenance. Aftercare involves following the instructions from your technician. 

This includes avoiding direct sunlight and using special creams and balms for protecting the area. You must also visit a specialist for touch-ups every so often. If not followed, permanent makeup can start to break down faster than expected.

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